
Who am I?

This philosophical question which hides a lifetime journey behind it…has yet not found a genuine answer in my part of the universe.

I must recognize I don’t really know who I am.

  • Am I defined by the roles I have given or accepted to play in my life? That is the role of a daughter, friend, wife, partner, mother, employee and so on…
  • Am I the inner child who’s grown up into an adult struggling to find my mission in life?
  • Am I a soul incarnated into an intelligent body driven by a tricky mind?
  • Or am I just material flash and blood with a drop of life essence?

Has my true essence been so much covered with many layers that I don’t really make the difference anymore?

I guess I’m a bit of everything, depending on the perspective. And I hope I will find out in the end…

Until then, I am more interested in my own contribution to the world and the people around me, in doing something worthwhile and beneficial for all.

Throughout my life I came to realize everybody has problems and we should not make a competition out of it. On the contrary, we should cooperate and take care of each other. Moreover, we should better focus on the bright side, looking for solutions, for joy and meaning.

That’s what made me start this blog, the need to let most worries go out on paper, slowly get rid of them and replace them with something more constructive.

You will probably find out more about me reading my blog, my stories and experiences… and maybe you can find something useful in there, I hope 😉

Because in the end I am just a little girl called Carmen who wants to take care.

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