Take Care Therapy

We all look for a way out, the easiest way if possible. But for each of us a different way might be the solution to our quests or problems.

Some might find light in faith or religion, some might withdraw between paperwork at the office, others would burn everything out at the gym, meditate in yoga retreats or run for a higher cause, some would look for a cause to fight for and feel like they really matter, have a significant contribution to the world. Alternative solutions might occur for others from psychotherapy – classic or unconventional method.

Anything to bandage the emotional wounds and heal the soul. Nothing to fall deeper into the hole…

My suggestion is writing as therapy, where you put everything into words on paper to let it go. This way many frustrations, worries and thoughts would free themselves from within and make room for the soul to breath. And breath is our vital friend.

This blog has stories from real life, written with passion and inspired from an authentic experience. But it goes without saying that a touch of fantasy and imagination can help us express better. Because it doesn’t have to be total honesty to tell a good story. On the contrary…

But my ultimate aim is to help people understand that we need to take care of each other and of Mother Nature in order to reach harmony in the world. And for that we need real stories with joy and grief as well, to connect with and learn from.

Here it is a quote I often get inspired from.

As you grow older you discover that you have two hands: one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
(Audrey Hepburn)

Enjoy and take care!

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