What are Zen Yoga Camps really about and what’s the benefit?
Let’s take a look!
When we think about Zen Camps we often imagine an old wise guru teaching us the way to illumination and pouring wisdom and kindness into our brain, body and soul.
When it comes to Yoga Camps we often picture a weird group of people forming a big circle in an attempt to communicate with the Universe.
However, none of these perspectives are completely true.
Last month I took the time to go to a Zen Camp, for an extended weekend, with a strong need to take a break and go out of the city hectic life. The main purpose was to reconnect with myself, to find that tiny moment when I don’t have to rush towards anything, nor be anywhere or impress nobody.
Despite a busy schedule with lots of to-do lists and deadlines, I managed to run away from the office and leave behind an over controlled working system. I even unplugged myself from the main duties in my professional and personal life and started the engine towards a simpler and more natural way of living.I was desperately looking for an unconventional way of healing, for my inner balance, for answers or even solutions to my overwhelming problems.
What I discovered?
- We are not given secret recipes for a Zen living type of life nor we are thought how to solve our problems. We rather learn how to slow down and allow ourselves the time to change our beliefs about them.
- These camps gather people at crossroads in life with mutual interests, common stories and similar tastes, people who are not afraid to open their heart and listen, to strip off their souls or clothes, nor to take the silence vow and follow a healthy discipline, peacefully.
- I found inspiration in every encounter, I saluted the sun and smiled at the moon, I touched the earth and imagined I could reach for the sky at the same time. I was aware of my own limits and possibilities all the same.
- Food tastes better if I am aware of every bite of food I eat and the air I breath. Most of all, I did not take everything for granted. I had my breath of fresh air inhaled through all my pores, was grateful for it and realised it is a real privilege to gift yourself such an experience.
- The truth is that if we really manage to disconnect from our everyday life, to be present and mindful, to inspire strength and expire worries, the experience of a Zen Camp can be truly rewarding and fulfilling. It gives us hope for what comes next in life, confidence to overcome the challenges and unconditional love practice.
Zen practice
What do you think about saluting the sun on the edge of its morning rise from the horizon?
What about soaking up the water from the full moon’s powerful energy?
How about a naked free swim in the sea on a deserted remote beach?
And how about a purifying fire which burns all our toxic emotions and false relations, our fears and shames?
There is definitely a strong connection with the Universe in such a retreat, a bond with Mother Nature, a feeling of solemn gratitude and some kind of communication with Divinity met only where water touches the moon and when fire purifies the air.
What can we take home?
The challenge is to take home most from this experience, to appreciate what we have even in times of grief, to smile at strangers and hug the closer ones, to give more than to get, to find our inner strength in everyday life too.
Until the next Zen Camp, enjoy your life and take care!